

Matija KASTELIC (19)

City/Region: Ljubljana
Hobbies: Astronomy, Swimming
Career: Astronomer
School: Gimnazija Sentvid-Ljubljana


Star spectrometry

Due to the development of some kinds of technologies, in the past few decades astronomy has made huge progress. In this development, spectrometry has played an important role as a large part of modern astronomy and discoveries would not be possible without it. Since the equipment at our school is good enough and due to spectometry popularity in astronomy, I have decided to write research work on this topic. Firstly, I recorded all main star types and measured them with emission spectrum of neon and helium for which I knew the wavelenghts of spectrum lines. In all measurements I used deviation net with hundred lines per millimetre, CCD camera st7 and 10 inch (’’=2. 54 cm) Mead S-C telescope.

Nina FOKTER (18)

City/Region: Celje
Hobbies: Literature, Skiing, Music
Career: Physician
School: Gimnazija Celje-Center


Cytological analysis of cervical smears in teenagers

The data about all cervical smears taken from teenagers between 10 and 20 years of age and examined in Celje General Hospital in the year 2000 was statistically analyzed. In some cases this data was compared to the data for a group of women between 29 and 40 years of age.
I did not find any premalignant and/or malignant lesions in our teenagers during one year period, but that is eactly why I think it is reasonable to start educating young women about how to care for their health at this age.

Luka GALE (19)

City/Region: Grosuplje
Hobbies: Collecting stones, Reading, Basketball
Career: Geologist
School: Zavod Sv. Franciska Saleskega


Dinosaur traces & remains in Slovenia and Croatia

In my research I presented the locations of dinosaur tracks and bones in Slovenia and Istria. These locations are on Mali Levan, cape Marlera, Fenoliga, cape Verdela, the Archipelago Brioni and locations near Bale, Beram, the mouth Mirna, camp Solaris (Cervar), Kozina and hamlet Pesek. I focused especially on locations in Pesek and Solaris. My work included prints counting, measuring, sketching, trying to find links among them, photographing and gathering limestone samples. I concluded that the tracks in Solaris belong to mostly five different animal species and that those animals were relatively small. As to the location in Pesek I found out that the prints there belong to only one dinosaur species. The supposed prints, which are near the „main” tracks, are only hollows in the dolomite slab, filled with iron hydroxide. Similar, but empty hollows (as the locals said) also supposed to present the dinosaur’s finger impressions, but in this case they are only hollows int he stoneware. I managed to photograph and measure also the plaster casts from the island of Fenoliga, which belong to the Slovenian Museum of Natural History.
