

Lukasz JAREMKO (19)

City/Region: Wroclaw
E-mail: zlmjaremko@poczta.onet.pl
Hobbies: Cycling, Swimming, Reading about acient history, Cinema
Career: Biochemist
School: The Krzysztof Kamil Baczynski High School No. 7


Mariusz JAREMKO (19)

City/Region: Wroclaw
E-mail: zlmjaremko@poczta.onet.pl
Hobbies: Cycling, Swimming, Reading about acient history, Cinema
Career: Biochemist
School: The Krzysztof Kamil Baczynski High School No. 7


Design and synthesis of two new immunosuppressants

Since ages people have been suffering from different immune system disorders. Oversensitivity of the immune system can lead to allergies and in peculiar cases to autoimmune diseases, like multiple sclerosis, juvenile diabetes and rheumatoid joint inflammation. In modern times when organ transplantations may save human life appeared new problem connected with immune response against transplants, rejection. Efficient way of curing such symptoms is therapy based on immunosuppressive drugs, but drugs used currently cause a lot of side effects. It creates needs for new immunosuppressants. Previous studies proved that some fragments of the proteins essential for immune system can modulate immunity. Lukasz and Mariusz Jaremko on the basis of the knowledge about the shortest biological active fragment of ubiquitin protein designed two new peptides. These compounds can be used to explain why partial sequences of ubiquitin are able to lover the activity of the immune system. This knowledge could be applied in diagnostics of some immune diseases and design of more efficient drugs giving hope to people who suffer from some immune disorders. Brothers synthesized and purificated designed peptides, which will be tested for the biological properties.

Radoslaw POLESKI (18)

City/Region: Kolobrzeg
E-mail: radopol@poczta.onet.pl
Hobbies: Astronomy, Photography, Cycling, Skiing
Career: Astronomer
School: Nicolaus Copernicus High School


Can life exist outside the Solar system

More than 100 planets have been discovered outside the Solar System since 1992. Radek investigated 104 of them to find out on which the temperature and surface illumination make the life possible. His calculations based on the data from Internet show that all these planets have the surface illumination sufficient for photosynthesis and 50 planets are neither too cold nor too hot for life to develop. According to Radek the best conditions for life are on the planets HD 23079b and HD 28185b.
To verify his calculations Radek estimated the temperature of the Solar System planets using the same method and received values near the real ones.
